Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Book Club FAQ's

How often does Book Club meet?
This is only our second book club, and we originally planned to meet just once a semester, but it has proved so popular we are planning to move it to once a term, so it will be four times a year.

Where can we find the books?
The UWA Co-op Bookstore is our preferred retailer- they are very supportive and have Manthropology in stock. However, if you'd prefer not to buy we normally have a few copies floating around the group that you can arrange to borrow.

How are the meetings organised?
The meetings are very conversational; everyone is invited to discuss what they thought of the book. There is a chairperson, whose responsibility it is to maintain order, but they have an easy job since it is a friendly group. There are drinks and nibbles available throughout the meeting and time for socialising afterward.

The meeting dates are arranged by the seminar co-ordinator, but the books are chosen by the group, at the end of the previous meeting. So after we discuss Manthropology we'll decide the next book to read; it's a good idea to have some suggestions in mind.

Who can join?
Everyone is welcome! Bring a friend! It's totally free and we don't even mind if you haven't actually read the book.

Remember, the next book club is from 4-5pm on Friday the 16th of April, 2010 and we will be discussing Manthropology by Peter McAllister. See you there!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Seminars are up and running again this semester- check out the calendar for details!